#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #include <conio.h> #include <iostream.h> unsigned int factor(int x) { unsigned int f = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= x; i++) f *= i; return(f) ; } void main() { unsigned int f; printf ("\nThe Program of the calculation of the amount factorial uneven from 1 before 9\n"); printf ("\nTable factorial uneven from 1 before 9\n"); for (int n = 1; n <= 1; n++) { f = factor(n); printf("%i %u\n", n,f); } for (int n1 = 3; n1<= 3; n1++) { f = factor(n1); printf("%i %u\n", n1,f); } for (int n2 = 5; n2<= 5; n2++) { f = factor(n2); printf("%i %u\n", n2,f); } for (int n3 = 7; n3<= 7; n3++) { f = factor(n3); printf("%i %u\n", n3,f); } for (int n4 = 9; n4<= 9; n4++) { f = factor(n4); printf("%i %u\n", n4,f); } int c; printf ("\nAmount factorial from 1 before 9\n"); if (n--,n1--,n2--,n3--,n4--,c,f) { c=factor(n)+factor(n1)+factor(n2)+factor(n3)+factor(n4); printf ("\n %d+%d+%d+%d+%d",factor(n),factor(n1),factor(n2),factor(n3),factor(n4)); printf ("=%d",c); } getch(); }